Frequently Asked Questions
We address your most common questions about our services in this section.
Yes, it is possible since the trials are conducted online through the platform of the Federal Judiciary. On the day of the hearing, we will be connected via the internet to carry out the hearing.
The first point is that it is crucial to respond to the lawsuit in a timely and professional manner, as this is your only opportunity to present evidence or payment exceptions. If you fail to respond, you could be declared in default, and all claims would be assumed valid due to the lack of response, meaning you would lose your right to defend yourself.
On the other hand, you should know that you have consumer and procedural rights during the trial.
An eviction proceeds after proper service of notice, hearing both parties, and, in general, after all stages of the trial have been completed. Once the judgment is issued, it must be personally notified at the address involved in the contract, requesting that the individuals voluntarily vacate the property.
However, before the judgment stage, you should know that it is possible for us to reach a payment agreement with fair interest, aligned with the original contract. This will be your last opportunity to resolve the situation. Do not put your property at risk with inexperienced individuals; your home is your family's best investment, and it must be defended properly.
Public or private medical liability means the obligation of the doctor to repair and satisfy the consequences of their actions, omissions, and voluntary or involuntary errors, within certain limits, committed during the practice of their profession. In other words, if a doctor causes harm to a patient due to fault during the course of treatment, they must repair it through compensation.
The purpose of repairing the moral damage caused is to compensate, as much as possible, for the impact on the feelings, affections, and mental integrity of the plaintiff. The amount of compensation must aim to repair the damage caused, in accordance with the financial capability of the defendant.
If you are a victim of medical malpractice, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible, as in some cases, you only have up to two years to file a lawsuit.
In Mexico, according to CONDUSEF, there is a high percentage of insurance companies that fail to pay the contracted premium to beneficiaries. This occurs, for example, in cases such as traffic accidents, life insurance policies, and reimbursement for major medical expenses.
When an insurance company unjustifiably refuses to pay a claim, the affected parties should file a lawsuit to enforce the fulfillment of the insurance contract.
Card cloning is a crime that involves stealing the information contained on your card using electronic devices called skimmers, and then transferring this information to a new blank card in order to carry out fraudulent transactions.
Don't pay for something you didn't consume, we can help.